– Frederick Douglass

We fight tirelessly for the rights of Black students and teachers by rebuilding the national Black teacher pipeline.
We seek partners who can advocate along with us to shape policies advancing racial justice and educational equity.

Launched in February 2021 by The Hunt Institute and The New Teacher Project, the One Million Teachers of Color campaign aims to add one million teachers of color and thirty thousand leaders of color to the education workforce over the next decade.
The Center is one of eight nonprofit organizations supporting the campaign’s goal of introducing one million new teachers of color and thirty-thousand school leaders of color by 2030.
Join us as we hold our education and public systems accountable to support, recruit, retain and develop teachers and leaders of color in advancing racial justice and educational equity.
The Center forms partnerships to advocate for systemic change promoting teacher diversity and cultural pedagogy at all government levels. We welcome opportunities to further combined efforts advocating for educational justice.
1 Million Teachers of Color National Campaign
The Center sits on the steering committee for this 1 million teacher of color national campaign that has a goal of adding one million teachers of color and thirty-thousand leaders of color to the education workforce over the next decade.
Building a Movement: Creating & Sustaining Diverse Teacher Workforces Convening
A partnership of the Center, EdTrust, TeachPlus, WeARE NC, Californians for Justice and Tennessee Educators of Color Alliance, the convening brought together respective education state leaders and classroom teachers from seven states (Pennsylvania, Illinois, California, Louisiana, Texas, Tennessee and North Carolina) to Philadelphia on July 27-29 to advance policy levers for teacher diversity. Attendee evaluation all positive and promising.
Debt-Free College Act of 2023
The Center has endorsed this federal-state partnership bill introduced by Senator Schatz in the 115th Congress to help reduce the financial burden for college graduates.
National Black Teacher Pipeline Coalition
The Center spearheaded this coalition to support the development and sustainability of Black teacher pipelines across the country. To learn more, please contact Mimi Woldeyohannes.
Open Letters to U.S. Secretary of Education Dr. Miguel Cardona
The Center partnered with the 1 Million Teachers of Color campaign and brightbeam to call on the Biden-Harris administration to dedicate resources to closing the teacher diversity gap. Add your name to the 1 Million Teachers of Color campaign letter and to the brightbteam campaign letter now.
Pay Teachers Act & the American Teachers Act
The Center has endorsed both of these pieces of legislation that aim to diversify the teacher workforce, expand the teacher pipeline, and sustain higher teacher salaries.
Prioritize Teacher Diversity
Building a diverse teacher pipeline must be part of the plan to build back our schools from the pandemic. Tell the Biden administration to prioritize teacher diversity.
Strengthening Educator Workforce Data Act
The Center has supported this bi-partisan legislation introduced by Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin (D-IL) and U.S. Representatives Matthew Cartwright (D-PA-08) and Zach Nunn (R-IA-03). This bill would establish a permanent, national mechanism to collect teacher and principal data at the school district-level to assist in recruitment and retention of educators.
Shapiro-Davis Transition Advisory Committee on Education and Workforce Development
The Center’s CEO, Sharif El-Mekki, served on this gubernatorial committee.
Pennsylvania State Board of Education Code Chapter 49
The Center partnered with Pennsylvania Educator Diversity Consortium to develop Culturally Responsive-Sustaining Education (CR-SE) competencies, which will be required for all education prep programs starting in 2024.
Pennsylvania Senate Bill 99
The Center served on an education talent recruitment committee to craft a bill sponsored by Senator Vincent Hughes to revise the PA School Code, including measures to: develop career and technical education (CTE) programs; direct appointment of State Department’s Chief Talent Officer; instruct the Senate Democratic Appropriations Committee on collecting and publishing education workforce demographics; and establish a grant program for Institutes of Higher Education to support dual enrollment programs.
Pennsylvania Senate Bill 300
The Center submitted a letter of support for PA SB 300, an act amending the act of March 10, 1949 (P.L.30, No.14), known as the Public School Code of 1949, in preliminary provisions, providing for public job posting database, for instructional vacancy data and for data transparency; and establishing the Educator Pipeline Support Grant Program.
Pennsylvania Senate Bill 801 and House Bill 998
The Center submitted a letter of support for Pa SB 801 and HB 998. Early literacy is critically important in shaping a child’s educational journey, and reading proficiently by third grade lays the foundation for future learning, academic achievement, and success later in life. But today, too many students in Pennsylvania are unable to read proficiently, threatening their futures and our commonwealth’s economy, workforce, and collective well-being. SB 801 and HB 998, the Literacy Achievement for All Pennsylvanians bills, would change that by ensuring that every child has access to high-quality literacy teaching and instructional materials.
Pennsylvania Education Diversity Consortium (PEDC)
The Center is playing a leadership role in co-developing cultural competence toolkits for educators as a part of advancing systemic policy changes that support Black educator recruitment and retention, including the Center-authored toolkit RESPECTING EDUCATOR ACTIVISTS OF COLOR: The Anti-Racist Guide to Teacher Retention.
Pennsylvania Department of Education’s Educator Workforce Committee
The Center supports the development of plans to: build a statewide workforce representative of students served; operate a streamlined certification process; and ensure high-quality preparation, professional growth and leadership development opportunities.
Accelerate Philly: The School District of Philadelphia’s Strategic Plan
The Center was named as a partner of Accelerate Philly, the School District of Philadelphia’s strategic plan. This strategic plan prioritizes student and staff safety, establishes deep partnerships with the community, and focuses the district’s resources on proven, research-based strategies to improve student achievement.
Philadelphia Councilman Isaiah Thomas Resolution Designating October as Black Male Educators Month
Announcement honors the Center for Black Educator Development’s Black Men in Education Convening for its impact on the recruitment, development, support and retention of Black Male Educators in Philadelphia’s schools.
Philadelphia Councilwoman Rue Landau Resolution Designating May 9, 2024 as Black Teacher Appreciation Day
In honor of Teacher Appreciation Week, the Council of the City of Philadelphia celebrates Philadelphia’s Black teachers for being unsung heroes of the community and positively impacting the lives of students and families far beyond the classroom. The engrossed copy of this resolution was presented to the Center for Black Educator Development as evidence of the sincere respect of this legislative body.

Find out how thought leaders and educator-activists are raising awareness of Black-teacher shortages and inspiring Black high school and college-aged individuals to answer the call to become the teacher they wished they had.
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