NOVEMBER 21-23, 2024

The 2024 Black Men in Education Convening is officially SOLD OUT!
Dear Friends,
We’re immensely honored and grateful for your support in completely selling out the event for the 7th STRAIGHT YEAR!
We look forward to seeing you in Philadelphia in November!

On this year’s agenda we will have distinguished speakers, lively panels and targeted workshops to inform, inspire and energize our commitment to serve as Black educator activists and improve outcomes for our students.
Additionally, inspired by the 30th anniversary of Dr. Gloria Ladson-Billings’s book, “Dreamkeepers: Successful Teachers of African American Student” & the 70th anniversary of the landmark Brown vs Board ruling, this year’s theme is: Deacons For Our Future: DreamKeepers Yesterday, Today, and Forever.
The event will focus on the following critical strands:
2) Curriculum, Instruction and Student Support
3) Leadership and Policy Making
4) Physical, Mental and Social Emotional Health and Wellness
5) Parent and Community Engagement
6) Professional Learning and Development

Classroom teachers, college and high school students, district and school administrators, university professors, nonprofit and foundation leaders, education advocates, policy leaders, researchers, community members and activists, parents, fathers, brothers, uncles, mentors and more.

We offer several sponsorships, each with opportunities for high‐impact visibility.
Showcase your brand and make meaningful connections with our attendees, including Black educators, future teachers, administrators, nonprofit leaders, legislators, funders and other stakeholders in education.
You know why you should attend #BMEC2024, but does your employer? Use this letter template to tailor your request for support from your employer.

Attendees reported increases in:
- Culturally-responsive practices uplifting students’ racial identities
- Understanding of historical contributions of Black people in education
- Emotional well-being and self-care support